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For customization you can inicialize Cookify with the following variables or functions described below. Every variable and function has a default value that you don't need to set it. But you need to watch on the described sheme in order to inicialize correctly.

var cookify = new Cookify(

dataName -> string (default: cookify) \ actionCallback -> function (default: () => {})\ trackingCallback -> function (default: () => {})\ saveWithChange -> boolean (default: false)\ saveByDefault -> boolean (default: false)\ cookieDefault -> string (default: necessary)\ initCallback -> function (default: () => {})

To explain the initialization better i will give a simple example with all variables and functions and how to use them. dataName is for the name that will show in the data storage for Cookify. The actionCallback is called after the user clicked on the following data-c-action fields. With that function you can close the cookie consent field as an example. Then you have the function trackingCallback for tracking user activity. This function needs a data variable where the data[0] stores all types and the viewed state and data[1] stores the actual date. saveWithChange can be set if you want to change the user selection when clicking on the input fields. The saveByDefault variable is for saving the selection when loading the first time. Then we have the cookieDefault variable where you can set the default cookie type name. At last we have the initCallback function that can for example be used to determine if the consent dialog should be shown after Cookify did its initialization.

var cookify = new Cookify('cookie_consent', function () {
document.getElementById('element').style.display = 'none'
}, function (data) {
}, false, false, 'necessary',
function(cookify) {
//show the cookie popup as long as the user has not seen it
if (cookify.getDataState(cookify.viewedName)) {
document.getElementById('element').style.display = 'none';
} else {
document.getElementById('element').style.display = 'block';