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Query Names

The query names are necessary for using Cookify. There are different checkboxes for controlling the cookie activity and you can handle the cookies with a few different actions. Below are all usable query names and how to use them properly.

You can only use the data-c-check on input fields. As an example for type checkbox.


<input data-c-check="necessary" type="checkbox">

You are able to set a preset value of the field. When you don't set this default value it is false.

data-c-check-default="{boolean}" (default: false)

<input data-c-check="necessary" data-c-check-default="true" type="checkbox">

You have 3 ways to for saving. Use accept when you want the user to save the selected fields, all will select all fields and save them and necessary is for selecting only the necessary field.


  • necessary (Save only the required cookies)
<div data-c-action="necessary">Necessary</div>
  • all (Save the selected cookies)
<div data-c-action="all">All</div>
  • accept (Save all cookies)
<div data-c-action="necessary">Necessary</div>

Enabling or disabling content


That you are able to handle the scripts for the user selected types you need to set data-c-script where it is necessary. It is only possible to use the types that are used in the query names data-c-check. This will either work for scripts with import src or with inline scripts.


<script type="text/plain" src="example.js" data-c-script="necessary"></script>

<script type="text/plain" data-c-script="necessary">

Iframes and Images

Instead of changing the type Cookify will switch the src element of iframe or img tags depending on the consent given. For that data-c-fallback (used if no consent was given) and data-c-src (used if consent was given) need to be set. The data-c-script attribute will be used to determine the category as for scripts. It is recommended to set the src already to the fallback to avoid connections before cookify is initialized.

<img data-c-script="necessary" src="/path/to/fallback.jpg" data-c-fallback="/path/to/fallback.jpg" data-c-src="/example.jpg"/>

<iframe data-c-script="necessary" src="about:blank" data-c-fallback="about:blank" data-c-src=""></iframe>


When you want to know the exact state of a type or if the user viewed and agreed the consent already then use the getDataState() function. The output is a boolean value (true or false).

